Package bcu.cmp5332.bookingsystem.commands

package bcu.cmp5332.bookingsystem.commands
  • Class
    The AddBooking class represents a command to add a booking to the flight booking system.
    The AddCustomer class represents a command to add a new customer to the flight booking system.
    The AddFeedback class represents a command to add feedback to a booking in the flight booking system.
    The AddFlight class represents a command to add a new flight to the flight booking system.
    The ApplyPromocode class represents a command to apply a promotional code to a flight in the flight booking system.
    The CancelBooking class represents a command to cancel a booking for a specific customer on a specific flight.
    The Command interface represents a command that can be executed within the flight booking system.
    The DeleteCustomer class represents a command to delete a customer from the flight booking system.
    The DeleteFlight class represents a command to delete a flight from the flight booking system.
    The Help class represents a command to print the help message of available commands in the flight booking system.
    The ListCustomer class represents a command to list all customers in the flight booking system.
    The ListFlights class represents a command to list all flights in the flight booking system.
    The LoadGUI class represents a command to load the graphical user interface (GUI) for the Flight Booking System.
    The ShowCustomer class represents a command to display details of a specific customer.
    The ShowFlight class represents a command to display detailed information about a specific flight.
    The ShowFlights class represents a command to display a list of flights with their short details.
    The UpdateBooking class represents a command to update an existing booking's flight number and booking date within a Flight Booking System.
    The VIPSeatAllocation class represents a command to allocate a VIP seat to a specific customer on a specific flight, even if the flight is fully booked.