Constant Field Values



  • bcu.cmp5332.bookingsystem.commands.Command
    Modifier and Type
    Constant Field
    public static final String
    "Commands:\n\tlistflights print all flights\n\tlistcustomers print all customers\n\taddflight add a new flight\n\taddcustomer add a new customer\n\tshowflight [flight id] show flight details\n\tshowcustomer [customer id] show customer details\n\taddbooking [customer id] [flight id] add a new booking\n\tcancelbooking [customer id] [flight id] cancel a booking\n\teditbooking [booking id] [flight id] update a booking\n\tshowflights \t\t\t\t\t\t\t shows details of flight\n\tdeleteflight [flightId]\t\t\t\t Delete flight\n\tdeletecustomer\t[CustomerId]\t\t\t Delete customer\n\tloadgui loads the GUI version of the app\n\thelp prints this help message\n\tbookwithname Book your flight with destination\n\tgivefeedback Give feedback\n\tallocatevipseat Allocate VIP or emergency seat\texit exits the program"